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If your child is ill, please let the school know as soon as possible on the first day of absence in the morning before registration closes at 9.10 am latest.

NHS Help Website - Is my child too ill for school?

Ways to let us know

  • An absence submission via Weduc, our parent app.
  • A telephone call on 01283 247465.
  • Send an email to, but please remember that it is not always possible to check emails immediately.

We will attempt to contact you if your child is not in school and we have not had a reason for absence. It is therefore essential that we have a current number on which to contact you and additional contact numbers in case you are unavailable.

Not collecting your child?

If your child is going home with someone else, please write a note to their class teacher or let the school office know to save confusion. If you collect your child, please inform the school if you know you are going to be delayed.

Changes at Home?

If there are any changes in home circumstances which might affect your child at school, please let us know so that we can keep a careful eye on them. Of course, we will treat any such information sensitively. We can also offer ELSA and HOPE support for children who may be experiencing difficulty at home. Please do talk to us and we will do our best to support your family.

Medical Conditions?

Please notify us of any medical conditions, permanent or temporary, which may affect your child in school e.g. asthma, allergies. If your child has an inhaler or epi pen, please ensure that you keep this in date. It is parents' responsibility to ensure that  school have in date medical equipment.