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Parent Teacher Association

The school has a very friendly and active group of parents called the PTA who meet about twice a term and arrange fund-raising activities, such as discos, the Christmas Fair and an annual school gala, combined with school sports day. These events are much enjoyed and appreciated by children, parents and staff. Last year they raised over £8,000 which is used to support the children's learning experiences in school.

EVERY parent/guardian of a child currently attending Mosley Academy is automatically a member of the PTFA group and encouraged to attend meetings and help fund raise.  We welcome your new ideas and enthusiasm!

So please come along and join in the fun !

Kate Forster and Kay Tilke - Chairperson

Charlotte Gilks - Treasurer

Lisa Brooks - Secretary

Easyfundraising - click on the following link to find out how to raise valuable funds for school while you shop online!

The PTFA have recently funded / contributed towards coaches for school trips; a class set of laptops; Forest Schools training; classroom resources and games; a visit by an author and a lot of beautiful new reading books for the children. Thank you for all that you do!