Assessment Information
At The Mosley Academy the key purpose of assessment is to move children on in their learning. Continued monitoring of each child’s progress gives a clear picture of what each child is doing. It is important that the teacher knows what has been remembered, what skills have been acquired and what concepts have been understood. This enables teachers to reflect on what children are learning and informs their future planning. The outcomes of our assessments will help children become involved in raising their own expectations, celebrating their own achievement and increasing their self-motivation.
At The Mosley Academy we undertake two different but complementary types of assessment: assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning (formative assessment) involves the use of assessment in the classroom to raise pupil achievement. It is based upon the principle that pupils will improve most when they understand the aims of their learning- the learning objective, where they are in relation to the learning objective, and how they can achieve this through success criteria, verbal feedback and next steps for learning.
Formative assessment may look like teacher observations, targeted questioning, live marking, verbal feedback, class quizzes, photographs, videos (this is not an exhaustive list).
Assessment of learning (summative assessment) involves judging pupil’s performance against national standards / standardised outcomes. Teachers may make these judgements at the end of a unit of work, a term, year, or a key stage.
Test results, too, describe pupil performance, against nationally set end of year expectations.
Summative assessment may look like end of unit short assessments, termly NFER/White Rose assessment paper completion, Phonics Screening Checks, Multiplication Tables Check, SATs, Reception Baseline / EYFS Profile assessments (this is not an exhaustive list).