Year 3 Walliams are taught by Miss A. Hardwick
Welcome to Class 3!
We are Walliams class, made up of 30 wonderful pupils! In Class 3, we always work hard to be the best we can be and develop our independence as we embrace life in the Juniors!
Who helps us to learn?
''Miss Hardwick is our class teacher. Miss Hardwick began her career at Mosley 5 years ago, where she joined as an NQT teaching Year 1. This is her third year teaching in Year 3. She is kind, helpful and loves to celebrate our fantastic achievements. Miss Hardwick loves to read and particularly enjoys teaching English and History. She is also our school SENDCo."
Mrs Insley and Mrs Broadbent work with us in Class 3, helping us with our learning to make sure we are always being the best that we can be!
Information about our Class:
In the juniors, children are responsible for changing their own reading books. Children can change their reading books weekly. Please remember to record home reading in the reading diary so that children can achieve their rainbow badges!
In Class 3, our times table tests will take place on a Friday morning. We like to track our progress on the stars in our classroom. Please practice your timetables at home on timetable rockstars!
Spelling tests will also take place on a Friday morning. Please practise these at home, and make sure big green spelling books are in school on a Friday.
Arrival time is between 8:40am and 8:50am. Collection time is 3:25pm.
In Class 3, we have Ukulele lessons on a Monday afternoon. It is important that our ukuleles are in school on these days so that we are able to access the lesson. If your child brings their ukulele home, this MUST be looked after.
Our PE days are a Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. Children need to come to school in their kit, with their hair tied back and earrings removed.
Our learning for this term is:
See our Autumn Newsletter below for information about our learning this term!
Useful resources to help at home:
Times Tables Rock Stars (
Oxford Reading Tree & Levels: parent guide - Oxford Owl for Home
The Stone Age – Years 3/4 and P4/5 History Collection - BBC Bitesize