Year 2 are taught by Mrs N. Ingham
Welcome to Class 2!
We are a class of 30 pupils. We are bubbly and fun and love challenging ourselves within our learning. We like to think of ourselves as a school family and always try to be kind and to look after each other. We are not afraid of hard work and always strive to be the best that we can be!
Who helps us to learn?
''I am Mrs Ingham and I have been a teacher for 28 years. I love teaching Year 2 because it is so much fun and the children always begin to realise that they can be amazing learners. I think my favourite subject to teach is Science, but I really love PE and Art although as the children will tell you I am still developing my drawing skills but elephants are my speciality.
I have been a teacher at Mosley for nearly 8 years now, and I am passionate about the school and the community. I am curriculum lead for Art and DT and also PE, so I plan the curriculum in these areas and get the fun part of helping children to represent The Mosley Academy in sporting events. I am also curriculum lead for OPAL so enjoy helping the children to access all types of play over lunchtimes.
''Mrs Kavanagh is our superstar TA who supports us in all we do! She spends most mornings with Class 2 supporting the class and small groups or individuals with their learning. Mrs Kavanagh is also a play leader and is passionate about OPAL initiative to get every child active. Mrs Kavanagh is very artistic and can't wait to get stuck into our displays and art activities this year. We also have Miss Grimshaw, who helps us all to be the best we can be!
Information about our Class:
PE days are on Mondays and Fridays. Children come to school in their kit on these days with earrings removed and hair tied back.
In Year 2 we read as a whole class up to 4 times per week and the children read individually with an adult at least once a week unless specified otherwise. We love to see your comments in their reading records and see the children achieve significant reading counts on the rainbow. Our library day is Friday and the children can take the time to choose a book fro our vast school collection.
Spellings are taken from the Year 2 National Curriculum spelling appendix and are taught and tested every Monday – we record the scores and complete a large test termly including these words to track progress.
Arrival time is between 8:40am and 8:50am.The children have a daily arrival task which they complete on arrival whilst we welcome everyone – this can include; number bonds, spellings, times tables, shared reading or next steps from our previous learning. The children love this sense of independence and organising themselves.
Collection time is 3.20pm
Our learning for this term is...
Where in the World?
Please see our newsletter for more details.
Useful resources to help at home:
Resources to support children's mathematical learning:
Useful resources to support phonics skills: