Our Curriculum:
Our engaging Science lessons at the Mosley Academy follow the programme of study documented in the National Curriculum. Children in Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
To support the delivery of the curriculum, we aim to stimulate pupils’ curiosity about finding out about the world by teaching them methods of enquiry and investigation and stimulating creative thought. To help achieve this, we aim to equip our pupils with confidence and understanding to work scientifically, which will help them to appreciate the way Science will affect them and their future. Working Scientifically is embedded within the substantive science content in the programme of study.
Developing Experts:
After extensive research, Developing Experts was carefully selected for use in school as it aligns with our curriculum vision, school ethos and children’s needs whilst encompassing the National Curriculum Programme of Study. Our rationale behind this is that it primarily ensures full coverage and progression from Early Years to Upper Key Stage 2. This scheme is excellent for progression as it provides consistency for teachers to explore prior learning, current expectations and the progression of where they are going next. This ensures that lessons are pitched accurately and members of staff are aware of why they are teaching that lesson at that point in the children’s learning journey. At Mosley there is a buzz about learning in Science – the children are enthusiastic and love their learning, especially the exciting investigations that allow children to work scientifically! One child said, “the videos used in Developing Experts help us see Science in a real life context”. The impact of our Science curriculum is that children are excited, engaged and are curious about the world around them. This impacts children’s learning as they are knowledgeable of the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and are ready to progress into the next phase of their learning journey. However, this is only a starting point and all teachers ensure that Science lessons are planned and delivered with creativity and engagement for all.
Cross-Curricular Links:
Our Science lessons are standalone sessions delivered by each class teacher once a week. Wherever possible, we use cross-curricular links to help strengthen children’s understanding across their whole learning journey. We have developed Science Forest School Sessions to allow children to explore the natural world around them. This has been well received and has helped children make those key important links.
Science in Action at The Mosley Academy:
Here are some examples of the fabulous displays and active learning that help our children make their learning stick in their long-term memory!
Active learning is really important to help us remember important knowledge and transfer it to our long-term memory. Here is some of our learning in action: